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Men's Health

Erectile Dysfunction

Impotence can be frustrating and embarrassing. Our Providers can help.


Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is the persistent inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Having trouble getting or maintaining an erection from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern, but if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, you should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. This sexual dysfunction can be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment and it is also a risk factor for heart disease.

Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

Like other medical problems, erectile dysfunction has indicative signs and symptoms. Here are the three most common:

Achieving an erection is unusually difficult

Maintaining an erection becomes tough

Your usual sexual desire seems to be uncommonly absent

If the above symptoms sound familiar, we’re here to help. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Solutions For ED

Losing weight, exercising, and quitting smoking can naturally help cure ED symptoms. But sometimes that’s not enough. We offer other options besides pills, including a treatment program proven to be effective for 97% of our patients.* It’s painless, safe, and has a low report of side effects. We can also treat other sexual related concerns, like premature ejaculation (PE) and low testosterone (low T).

Low T Symptoms and Treatment

What Is Testosterone?

First, let’s talk about testosterone. It’s the hormone that gives you your masculine characteristics, regulates your sex drive, influences your mood, and much more. A lack of testosterone (known as “low T”) can lead to a variety of physical symptoms and mental changes.

Low T Symptoms:

What Causes Low T?

You produce less testosterone as you get older — about 1% less a year after age 30. Other lifestyle factors, like obesity, stress, and chronic illness can all contribute to low T. If lifestyle changes aren’t helping your symptoms, then Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) might be right for you.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) For Low T

To diagnose low T, you’ll first meet with one of our licensed physicians. When you arrive for your appointment, he’ll perform a physical exam and test your testosterone levels. The lab test takes just a few minutes, and you’ll know your results before leaving! If you have low T levels, your physician will discuss your treatment options. Typically, treatment for low T involves testosterone injections, which can be done during quick follow-up visits or in the convenience of your own home. Start restoring your testosterone levels and feeling your best today.

Private consultation

Same-day test results

Individualized treatment plans

Quick follow-up appointments

The Benefits Of Testosterone Injections

TRT Treatments


The most popular option and virtually pain-free (believe it or not!). You can inject testosterone in a fatty area (“subcutaneously”) or in a muscle (“intramuscularly”). It works the same, but subcutaneous injections are less painful. Just a short, thin needle, usually twice a week. We’ll walk you through your first injection in the clinic or on a video call, whichever you prefer. Pros: simple, easy, effective Cons: involves needles


Testosterone cream is just as effective, so if you just hate needles, this could be a good option for you! It is applied to the scrotum or the top of the foot (both areas have thin skin) twice daily. This option is particularly good for increasing libido. Pros: painless, effective, easy to apply Cons: can be messy, have to wait 2-3 hours before working out, must be careful not to transfer to a partner


These are mint- or fruit-flavored lozenges that you dissolve in your mouth 3-4 times per day. Pros: tasty, painless, easy Cons: not as effective, have to do it multiple times per day

Nasal Gel

Just what it sounds like. Comes in a twist pen. Pros: simple, painless, easy Cons: less effective, must apply 3 times per day

You’ll start out by getting lab work done and having your initial consultation with your healthcare provider to go over the results and decide if testosterone replacement therapy is right for you. If you choose to start treatment, your testosterone and supplies will be mailed to you. You will have lab work every 2-3 months until your levels are optimized, then every 6 months thereafter. 

You can contact your provider any time by phone, email, or text with any questions or concerns. Follow-up visits are done as needed by phone, video, or in person. 


What you can expect

In A Few Weeks

Better mood and greater motivation

After 2-3 Months

Start losing weight and increasing muscle mass. Experience improved sex drive and erection quality.

After 6-12 Months

Feel strong, steady and consistent in these changes. It’s like getting your life back!

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