IV Drips
What Is Drip Therapy?
IV drips are an excellent option for individuals experiencing difficulty in ingesting fluid and medication due to illness or impaired intestinal absorption. The IV drips are directly administered to a person’s bloodstream, offering a higher percentage of absorption rate than other forms of medication. This way, essential vitamins, supplements, and other nutrients needed by the body can be easily administered so patients experiencing deficiencies can improve their health with a treatment that works.
Here are the IV Therapy treatments we offer.

Hydrate Drip
Hydrate drips offer your body essential vitamins and minerals, including electrolytes and other fluids. With this form of treatment, you can expect to feel instantly rehydrated and recharged.
Member Price: $90
Non Member: $140
- 1 Liter of Fluids
- Electrolytes

Myers drip is used to help alleviate symptoms of menstrual cramps, depression, allergies, migraines, flu, cold and muscle pain/athletic recovery. This also helps increase a person’s daily energy levels.
Member Price: $120
Non Member: $190
High Dose of Vitamin C
Vitamin B-Complex
Vitamin B12
1 Liter of Fluids.

Weight loss/Slim Drip
Slim drip is done to help those who are looking to lose weight and increase their metabolism. A high metabolism can help a person burn more calories during activities and even if the person is at rest.
Member Price: $120
Non Member: $189
- High dose of Glutathione
- Electrolytes
- 1 Liter of Fluids

Hangover/Party Drip
A hangover drip is used to help people who are recovering from the remnants of a late-night party tackle the next day with the energy they may normally have when they’re well-rested. It also helps control hangover symptoms, avoid nausea, and prevent inflammation and acid reflux. This infusion contains plenty of saline to rehydrate your cells, as well as vitamins that are great for hangover recovery.
Member Price: $120
Non Member: $189
- 1 Liter of Fluids
- Toradol (anti-inflammatory)
- Zofran (anti-nausea)
- Electrolytes

Hangover Ultimate
**Best hangover cure**, this is an all in one vitmain infusion can make anyone feel alive. This infusion helps increase physical performance, boost your immune system, detoxify your body, relete energy, hydrate your cell anf improve your skin.
Member Price: $150
Non Member: $229
- Toradol
- Zofran
- Magnesium
- calcium
- Carnitine
- Zinc
- Mineral
- Vitamin B-complex
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B12 and Glutathione.

Assists in removing toxins, relieving stress, and improving well-being. If you’re feeling fatigued, your body could be overwhelmed with toxins. The Detox Drip focuses on the liver – the powerhouse of your detoxification system. This drip will assist in clearing the toxins and keeping your liver healthy and operating at it’s full potential!
Member Price: $120
Non Member: $189
- High dose of Glutathion
- Electrolytes
- 1 Liter of Fluids

Athletic Performance Drip
This Drip is more popular among athletes who want their bodies to keep up with the demands they need to meet to improve their performance. With the administration of a high dose of vitamins and amino acids, they can strengthen their muscles and live healthy life.
Member Price: $120
Non Member: $189
- L-Carnitine
- L-Arginine
- Electrolytes
- 1 Liter of Fluids

Migraine can be debilitating for a person if not addressed appropriately. Good thing migraine drips are available to help them maintain their daily routines without inflammation, pain, or nausea.
Member Price: $120
Non Member: $189
- Magnesium
- Anti-Nausea medication
- Toradol
- 1 Liter of Fluids.

Libido Drip
Libido drip introduces essential vitamins and amino acids, which will help relax a person’s state of mind and increase blood flow. Both of these are essential in improving the sexual drive among couples.
Member Price: $120
Non Member: $189
- Vitmain B-12
- L-Arginine
- Electrolytes
- 1 Liter of Fluids.

Immuno Drip
Immuno Drip helps a person improve their immune system, which is essential in fighting infections and illnesses caused by the body’s vulnerability to bad bacteria.
Member Price: $200
Non Memeber: $250
Immuno drip consists of our
- high C
- Zinc
- and a double dose of Glutathione.

Vitamin C Drip
Vitamin C helps a person be energized throughout the day, helping them perform their daily activities with mental clarity and focus.
Member Price: $190
Non Member: $275
10g Vitamin C, 1 liter of fluids.

Nad+ is a DNA repair and anti-aging tool that helps individuals that take it look young due to its neuroprotection capabilities.
Price For NAD+ Dosages Are Below (Includes IV Fluids):
250 MG = $350 for 90 mins
500 MG = $500 for 120 mins

Beauty Drip
Beauty Drip can help brighten a person’s skin and promote an overall youthful glow.
Member Price: $120
Non Member: $189
- High dose of Vitamin C
- High dose of Glutathione
- Electrolytes
- Biotin
- 1 Liter of Fluids.

Goodbye morning sickness, hello the normal you. Safely hydrate and stabilize your body.
Member Price: $179
Non Member: $220
- Hydration fluid
- Hydration with B complex,
- Vitamin B12
- Anti Nausea Medication